Monday 18 February 2019

Two nasty pieces of work.

Never ever stop when you are in the zone. I don't really know why I am juggernaughting through all these harry potter miniatures. However I am now pretty close to getting all my evil side ones done and getting stuff crossed off the list is always good. 

I have to have a little moan about this sculpt though. The Dementor here is just really really bad. I mean I get that he's kind of formless but you can basically see the lumps of putty in it's spooky robes. It was also as I'm sure you can imagine pretty miserable to paint. Highlight black. Paint some hands. Done.
Dolores Umbridge

Oh man what. Why did they have to sculpt Umbridge wearing that coat cloak thing with the weird black pattern on. She has other all pink outfits that would have been far easier to paint. I tried. I tried. I probably ruined a subtly shaded and highlighted pink in order to do it. This is the kind of rubbish you don't have to put up with when you are dealing with intellectual property designed from the ground up to be part of a miniatures game, that crops up from time to time when you are dealing with something that was originally a film or TV show. I think I did a good job on the face, which hopefully takes away from the horrible cack handed effort on the pattern. Maybe. 

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