Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dark Eldar Kill Team

I decided to make a second kill team, this time Dark Eldar. Partly I was frustrated by the Tau's total inability to kill things in close combat which is a requirement of one of the four core matched play missions for kill team. However mostly I was inspired by the addition of Dark Eldar to the Inquisitor: Martyr video game. (If you want my 5 second review of that game: It's a beautiful narrative experience for fans of Warhammer 40,000 with excellent art assets and voice acting, which is let down by repetitive game play) I decided to paint them in the very traditional Dark Eldar black-green with red accents. Also they are all girls without helmets, because it just so happens that in a Wyches box you can build six girls (out of then) and in a warrior box you can build four girls (out of ten).

I actually finished these a little while ago, as any of you who follow my instagram will know but I had to finish my dissertation, and deal with a small mountain of new school year work agro, and my back is playing up and some other annoying personal stuff. However I have finally carved out some time now so enjoy.