Wednesday 2 November 2016

Adepta Sororitas Kill Team

So I'm playing in a Kill Team Tournament at the 40k Open Day in Nottingham this weekend. I had not played 40k in a good long while because I have been sucked into the Malifaux, but I got the chance to try the six possible scenarios one time each with Helen. Mostly I lost, but then Sisters are quite comparatively under powered at the moment.

I thought I'd share some pictures and the list I am taking. I painted these girls a long long while ago, and it shows in places. However, I firmly be leave that repainting miniatures is where madness lies.

Group Shot
So, this is my list:

Celestian Squad
Celestian Superior Galerine
Leader Been there, Seen it, Done it (Killer Instinct (Allways Wounds on a 2+))
Power Sword
Plasma Pistol
Sister Grace
Specialist Eagle Eye (150% max range)
Melta Gun
Sister Helia
Specialist Feel No Pain
Heavy Flamer
Sister Veronica
Specialist Preferred Enemy
Two Celestians with Bolters
Smoke Launchers
Twin Linked Heavy Flamer
Dozer Blade

And now onto the pictures I love these classic old metal models. I hope any eventual plastics live up to there awesomeness:
Celestian Superior Galerine

Sister Grace
Randomly red hair! Actually in my full army (as you may have seen earlier on the blog) my sisters have a mix of hair colours. Not sure I'd make that decision again. My Celestian Squad have the classic white hair look, but this model is borrowed from a different squad, and all my melta gunners have ginger hair.

Sister Helia
Sister Veronica
A minor conversion this one. That's a plastic space marine bolter. I think at one point I had this model holding something else, maybe a combi plasma. Originaly sold as "Sister Superior with bolter" but I just use her as a unique looking regular sister of battle. Handy for this game were I need to designate one bolter sister as a specialist.

Now this Immolator is quite interesting. I'ts a mix of the mark two plastic Immolator, with the turret and font detailing from the second edition metal/plastic hybrid kit. With a Forge World resin ram on the front for good measure.  I do also own a stock plastic Immolator, but the plastic sister poking out of the top looks... weird. Old plastic sculpt. I think these classic metal parts are much nicer.

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